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Take Your Life to the next level

with a great man




Tania Moran (AKA Lynda Love) has become the go-to coach for women of all ages from all over the world.


"I love Tania for her calm, non-judgemental approach"

Tania creates a safe, warm, friendly one-on-one environment for sharing the sensitive issues you need to discuss.

"I never feel "forced" into making decisions. Instead, Tania gives insights into what could be causing issues and then provides actionable advice that I can apply to my own situation."

Women experience incredible transformations from constant dating disappointments or relationship upheaval to feeling a new sense of empowerment.


"Everything I'm learning is seeping into all areas of my life. I'm learning better ways to manage people at work and family members."


The anxiety of dating reduces considerably for clients. They’re no longer asking, “Is he into me?” or getting into painful relationships with non-committed men.


"I just don't have any time wasters hanging around anymore."

Tania's knows the code of men and helps you to see red flags FAST


"Without Tania, I don't think I would have had the patience and the strength to make it to my wedding day.  I can't say enough how she's changed my life. I'd just broken up with a previous boyfriend when I started working with Tania and now I'm married! I wish everyone could be coached by her"

Contact Tania now for a 30-minute, free initial consultation 



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Courses to get you on track in the areas you need it most

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Tania Moran coaches women from all over the world and is recognised for her calming, non-judgemental approach.   


A married Australian mum, Tania has a degree in Education from the University of Sydney and is currently completing her Bachelor of Psychology. She has worked for many years in Australian schools, teaching students ranging in ages 12 to 18, from those with special needs to the gifted and talented. She was also a professional singer, musician and recording artist in a previous life. 

"After my first marriage sadly ended, I eventually decided to start dating again. I was shocked to see how hard it was out there and was very confused about why this was the case.


It was New Years Day 2012 when I first read The Rules by Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider and from that moment, I made it my mission to learn all I could about men and women and relationships. Armed with extensive training on the subject, along with hundreds of hours of discussions with both men and women about dating and relationships, I have helped literally thousands of women who have sought my advice. My understanding has deepened about what we have been doing wrong and how to do it better. I have been coaching women for over 9 years now and it has been incredible to watch their lives transform. 

I became a coach so that I could help change your life too!

Life is short.
Let's work together to achieve your goal:
A happy, enduring, fulfilling marriage with the man of your dreams.


B. Psych - Macquarie University, Australia (currently studying)

B. Ed (Mathematics) - University of Sydney, Australia
Certified Dating and Relationship Coach - The Rules Consultation Corp, USA

Thank you Tania. I've felt more settled and secure since I've had your guidance.

Mara, 37  Adelaide, Australia

I learned so much from one consult with Tania. Ladies, it's worth it! I'm engaged to Mr Right! She set my pace and clarified my interpretation from the book. I focused and scored!

Christina H, 50 Michigan, USA (Now engaged)

I clicked with Tania straight away, as she is approachable and understanding. She has helped me with my online messaging, dress style, and date behaviour and there's been a huge shift in the quality of my dates for the better.  Tania's 6 Week Challenge gave me a deeper understanding of The Rules, of men, and of myself. I would highly recommend coaching with Tania for anyone who wants to improve their dating experience.

Casey C, 33 Sydney, Australia

Tania, you've really lifted my spirits.  As always, you have such a calming, uplifting influence-  thank you!:)  You're so reassuring and help me shake off any insecurities like that.

Sarah B, 39 San Francisco, USA

I was reflecting yesterday on where I was 9 months anxious, confused and emotionally unbalanced. Thank you for helping me navigate through all that mess. Since then I have slowly regained my emotional balance, I feel much more confident and can see things clearly. I am focusing now ME and doing things that bring joy to me. Thank you so much for all you did and being there. 

Rosie R, 37 San Antonio, USA

Tania is a savvy and sophisticated life coach, in the best tradition of the Rules with a fantastic accent to boot! While I can certainly go to my mother or girlfriends for support, Tania is the ONLY resource that has provided ACTIONABLE life advice to make my relationship with my second husband BETTER. While family and friends want to give you advice that supports you, sometimes that advice is counter to supporting the relationship. Tania strikes a healthy and empathetic balance between understanding a woman's point of view and helping to translate that into actions that motivate a man to treat us with love, adoration and respect. Even my mother has begun to learn from me as I pass on Tania's sage advice! All women in relationships should run -- not walk -- to set up an appointment with Tania. You will not be sorry and better yet, you will be happily married.

Sandra H, 35 New York, USA (married)

It has been a bit of time since I first started working 1:1 with Tania (written/emailed communication as well as weekly check in and discussions calls), and I could not be more pleased and proud to call myself her client; she balances the roles associated to coaching - switching seamlessly between the positions of mentor, guide, confidant and friend – with professional, yet affable ease.

When I first signed on, I was essentially starting from scratch. Having Tania guide me through each leg of the journey from self work, getting set up with online dating, learning how to navigate communication with men, and more has been a wonderful and fun experience. I feel confident recommending Lynda as a wonderful coach to work 1:1 with or to schedule consultations with as desired. I know how wonderful I feel after my sessions and I do believe anyone who goes to her with a desire to improve themselves and their relationships will feel the same and understand the value of working with a coach like Tania.

Lisa M, 29 Philadelphia, USA

Thanks so much Tania. You are a godsend in what has been a very confusing time. This is so fascinating and illuminating and for one who spent a lot of time caught up in the maelstrom of heart drama, it's so nice to take a step back and trust.

Daniela S, 47 Sydney, AUSTRALIA

Tania has just been invaluable to me and I wish every woman could be coached by her because she has made such an incredible difference to my life... Tania is genuinely friendly and cheerful and positive.

Julie C, 34 Sydney, Australia (Now married)

I just had an incredibly amazing first consultation session with Tania! She is very hopeful and positive, provides detailed guidance and support, thorough answers to questions and advice and is very understanding and empathetic of one's situation. She gave me wonderful feedback and strong boundaries to put in place with my current boyfriend, encouraged me to have a stronger sense of self-worth, and reminded me... that men understand ACTIONS.

Sophie J, 26 Fort Worth, USA

You made everything much more easy and I can definitely say that I finally am having fun again at dating. I have a much more positive attitude and everything is so different

Maria S, 32 ITALY (Now in a relationship)

Tania has literally stopped me in my bad relationship tracks and helped me get the love I want. Whatever myths of dating I was labouring under, she dispelled. And what she has to say about men, dating and love makes so much sense, I can't believe I didn't know it before. As a coach, she is amazing: compassionate and wise, understanding and supportive. We all make mistakes in love. It's hard to reprogram a lifetime of bad conditioning and errors of judgement. Tania understands this. Better yet, she supports you wholeheartedly, without judgement, so you feel empowered to get back on track to get what you want. It was, quite literally, the game changer I needed.

Ana M, 46 Sydney AUSTRALIA

Tania is my coach. We talk once per week (more if I need extra help) and she is guiding me through a wonderful Rules relationship that is going strong. Best investment I've made in myself since getting my MBA!

Mary R, 48 Florence, USA

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